Facility and Equipment

Alarms and Notifications Checklist for Schools

 In an emergency, being able to deliver a message quickly and clearly to your personnel and visitors can prevent injuries and save lives. Use the following checklist to evaluate and improve your onsite notification system. Use the following checklist to evaluate and improve your onsite notification system.

2024-05-01T22:28:47+00:00Tags: , |

Safety Inspections

This video highlights the importance of making safety part of an organization’s work-culture. Conduct regular (at least annual) inspections but also alert and empower employees to being proactive when it comes to safety.


Preparedness Planning for People with Disabilities

Regulations covering the rights of people with disabilities or access and functional needs continue to evolve. Please check local, provincial, and federal ordinances to ensure that your organization complies with rules regarding building entrances and exits, evacuation planning, signage, and safety equipment.

2024-05-17T16:39:33+00:00Tags: , |
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