It is the policy of our organization that only designated spokes persons serve as information sources for concerned citizens or inquiries from reporters, bloggers, or other members of the Media.
We feel a strong obligation to present accurate information in a timely manage to all interested parties. Unfortunately, during a crisis the facts of the situation may not be known to all member of the extended staff. For this reason, staff members and volunteers should refrain from making statements or offering opinions on any aspect of the disruptive. If approached by a member of the press, the best course of action is to politely indicate that you have not been fully briefed on all aspects of the disruption and as such, are not in a position to pass on information that you know to be completely accurate. Rather than provide incorrect or incomplete information, the best course of action would be to contact the Media Liaison at the facility. Specifically, refer them to:
NAME Title Email Telephone Number
Do not answer “No Comment.” This statement can be taken as an official response from our organization indicating that no information is being released – which is not likely to be the case. Rather, explain that you don’t have the information they are asking about and that the best person to ask questions of regarding the current situation is the Media Contact.
If the person becomes very aggressive, simply tell them that you are feeling harassed and walk away.
If you feel that the person is becoming belligerent, leave the area and report the situation including any details such as the person’s name, to your immediate supervisor.