
Safety Wardens Responsibilities Checklist

Safety Wardens are volunteers who agree to assist in directing everyone to the proper exit. If other personnel or a guest is unable to leave an area, a Safety Warden provides support and assistance. If additional assistance is needed, the situation should be reported to the Emergency Response Team and first responders.

2024-05-01T18:28:25+00:00Tags: , |

Preparedness Planning for People with Disabilities

Regulations covering the rights of people with disabilities or access and functional needs continue to evolve. Please check local, provincial, and federal ordinances to ensure that your organization complies with rules regarding building entrances and exits, evacuation planning, signage, and safety equipment.

2024-05-17T16:39:33+00:00Tags: , |

Forming an Emergency Response Team

This video highlights the use and concepts behind doing an HVA. Point to the tool in the Resource Center and urge its use. #13 An emergency response team (ERT) has been formed to help implement the emergency response plan.

2024-07-02T21:45:12+00:00Tags: |

Supporting Special Needs Populations

This video discusses being sensitive to various special needs populations and mention that the local fire department can help with this issue. The Americans with Disabilities Act may also provide guidance. #17 Arrangements are in place to accommodate the needs of people with disabilities during an emergency.

2024-06-26T20:39:34+00:00Tags: |

Video: Communicating During a Crisis

This video discusses some examples of how an alert and notification system doesn't have to be expensive. A whistle or boat 'fog horn' can do the job. The key is to make sure that the technique covers every part of the facility. #18 There is a procedure for alerting those onsite to a disruption during normal work hours.

2024-06-08T16:42:58+00:00Tags: |
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